I've grown up on Disney since I first visited the parks when I was ten months old—so naturally, this class was an obvious choice for me.  Disney has always been a passion of mine that I never imagined I would be able to study in an academic environment, so I signed up as soon as possible when I found out this class was an option.  I don't think I even looked through the rest of the possibilities for my Writing 101!

I've visited Walt Disney World over a dozen times and have ridden every single ride there (except Tower of Terror!), so I consider myself a Disney park expert.  As far as Disney movies, I have watched all of them and rewatched most of them, from the classics to the lesser-known gems (like my all-time favorite, The Emperor's New Groove).  Disney was a defining part of my childhood and continues to be a large part of me even though I'm no longer little—I'm a true believer that nobody is ever too old for Disney.

I'm fascinated by this class because it will be interesting to dive deeper than the surface of Disney movies and to explore perspectives that aren't often considered.  Many people don't think about the villains' motives or their justifications in the movies; the "bad guys" are thought to be a clear-cut evil and there's rarely any more conversation about it.  Even in the short week I've been in this class, the articles I've read and the discussions I've had have forced me to reconsider all of my favorite Disney movies, and I look forward to continuing to see these films in a new light.


  1. Thanks for your post, Taylor! I definitely consider myself a Disney Park Expert, too -- who needs a map?! -- although with all the new changes to the parks, I'm a little rusty. :)

    And I totally agree that you are never too old for Disney! (And RESPECT to your family who brought you as a 10-month old to the parks. I can't even imagine what that would be like!)


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