Supplementary Post: 10 Ways Disney Has Made Me a Better Person

It is undeniable that I grew up on Disney.  The movies and the park shaped who I am as a person today—in more ways that one.  Below, 10 ways my life is better as a result of Disney.

1. My subpar sense of direction has improved from using Disney park maps.
I am so bad with directions that I needed a GPS to drive to my high school.  But somehow, magically, I have improved enough that I can make my way around the Disney parks.

2. My karaoke skills have improved (a little).
I also sing Frozen's "Let it Go" as my go-to karaoke song, so there's that.

3. My relationship with my sister is the most tight-knit it could possibly be.
My sister and I are best friends.  This is probably because we grew up romping around the Disney parks together and have Disney movie marathons (we still admittedly do this to this day).

4. Any sad day has gotten 10x better with just a Disney song.
A problem, no matter how large or small, can always get even a little better with my Disney playlist (or my Christmas music playlist.  Either works.)

5. I got better grades.
This is a proven fact.  I listened to different Disney songs while studying different subjects, and it actually helped me remember things for tests.  My go-to, for some reason, for all 4 years of high school calc was "Kidnap the Santy Claws" from The Nightmare Before Christmas.

6. It improved my socialization skills.
I am not a small-talk kind of person.  But as soon as I meet a fellow Disney fan, I won't stop talking.  And every person I meet inside a Disney park is my new best friend.

7. I've conquered some major fears.
One of these huge fears included roller coasters, and little by little I've tackled every coaster in the parks.  It sounds trivial, but it's so empowering to conquer a fear.

The little girl in the front seat looks way more relaxed than I did on this ride.  I'm too embarrassed to show anyone the photo.
8. I have a greater appreciation of culture and travel.
EPCOT wasn't my favorite park as a child, but growing up I've really started to appreciate experiencing other cultures (even if I'm not fully immersed in that culture).  I've never travelled internationally, so EPCOT is the closest I've gotten to seeing another country and it has fostered a desire to travel.

9. I've made some amazing friends.
All of my friends are hardcore Disney fans.  It's a requirement.

10. It made me grateful.
I have been so blessed to be able to happy such a happy childhood filled with visiting the parks, watching the movies with my family, and learning all the words to every song.  I'll carry these memories with me forever.


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